Powerful Solutions to Protect Your Energy Business
The complexities and potential catastrophic exposures in the energy industry can seem daunting. With more than 40 years of experience serving all sectors of the industry, we’ve grown to be one of the largest energy brokers in the nation and one of the top energy brokers worldwide. We’ll structure and implement a domestic or foreign program for virtually any type of energy-related risk.

Who We Serve
- Renewables
- Electric and gas utilities
- Independent power producers
- Midstream and pipeline owners/operators
- Exploration and production owners/operators
- Oilfield service contractors
- Drilling contractors
- Equipment rental companies
- Refining and gas plants
- Fabricators
- Tubular services
- Engineering companies
- And more

Deep Energy Expertise
With over 125 dedicated professionals on staff, McGriff’s Energy Practice has decades of experience dealing with contractual reviews and comments on master service agreements, joint operating agreements, and everything in between. Using alternative risk transfer and traditional insurance solutions, we determine the appropriate combination of coverage and risk assumption specifically for you.

What Sets Us Apart
- Energy-focused claims practitioners
- In-house loss control engineers
- Brokers with risk management and insurer backgrounds
- Top trading volumes with industry mutuals
Ready to Get Started?
Our approach begins with understanding your needs and goals, so please contact us to get started.
Contact Our Specialty Practice Team
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