Our thoughts and prayers go out to those of you in the path of Barry. In the midst of catastrophic flash flooding and excessive rainfall, your safety is our primary concern. Please stay informed and take precautions to protect yourself, your loved ones and property.
If you're in a location where time still permits, protect your property by closing all windows in your home and autos; put vehicles in a garage or carport, if available; and secure items on your property, such as patio furniture.
All Barry-related claims may be reported directly to your insurance company. Locate your insurance policies, including company contact information and policy numbers, and keep them with you or readily available.
You may also contact McGriff Claims Central at Ins-CATclaims@McGriff.com or call 800-990-4228.
For information about flood insurance from McGriff, please call 800-228-6978 to talk to a specialist or email us at InsFloodUnit@McGriff.com. Flood insurance policies typically require a 30-day waiting period.
Rest assured, we'll do everything we can to support you through this ongoing difficult time. Thank you and stay safe.